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Drones rodearon la ciudad de Sarmada y la localidad de Salwah,. Flag of the Turkistan Islamic Party in Syria. Jindires, Termanin, Sarmada, Jisr al Shughur o Darkush. Rescue efforts are ongoing in Sarmada town, north-west Syria. Photo: OCHA/Bilal Al-Hammoud The Under-Secretary-General for Humanitarian Affairs and. Flag of the Syrian Salvation Government.


Deir Hassan – Darhashan, Dana, Dana. Hezreh – Hezri, Dana, Dana. Kafr Deryan, Dana, Dana. Saeed Abu Mohamed, ciudadano sirio residente en Sarmada, en la zona de Idlib. Fuentes: The Syria Campaign. Ahmad, Jisr El Shughour. El ataque de EE. Including Sarmada, Maaret Tamsrin, Dana, and Atmeh districts in Idleb,.


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